
Dialogs very easy to implement and practical to use in any case and need.


To generate a dialog we have the global function $vs.dialog the parameters to generate the dialog are

  • title: title of the dialogue - String
  • text: internal text of the dialog - String
  • color: color of the component - Colors, RGB, HEX
  • accept: function that executes the user accept the dialog - Function
  • cancel: function that executes the user to cancel the dialog (if it is a confirm type) - Function
  • type: determines the type of dialog (alert or confirm) - alert, confirm
  • buttonAccept: determines the type of accept button - Boolean
  • buttonCancel: determines the type of cancel button - Boolean


For Composition API, you can use inject to retrieve $vs :

import { inject } from 'vue'

const $vs = inject('$vs')

  title: 'Dialog',
  text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'

since vuesax3@^4.0.24


If you need a dialog of type confirm you can do it just by changing the type as a parameter inside the main function.


To do some action when the user approves or confirms we have the property accept:myFunctionAccept.


To add a dialog of type prompt we have a global function a completely independent component vs-prompt. This allows more flexibility with the input and ability to add any type of input and components.


The properties of the component are equivalent to those of the global function only with the vs before each property something like

  • function = color
  • component = vsColor
  <div slot="input">
    <input v-model="val" type="text" name="" value="">


active.syncBooleanDefine if the dialog is active (visible).false
titleStringMain title of the dialog.Dialog
colorStringDialog color and accept buttons.primary
acceptfunctionfunction that is executed when the user approves the dialog.
cancelfunctionFunction that executes the user cancel the dialog.
closefunctionfunction that is executed when the dialog as closed.
is-validBooleanDetermines if it is valid to be able to accept at the prompt.
buttons-hiddenBooleanDetermines if the component has hidden or visible buttons.false
button-accepttype buttonsChange the type of botton for the accept.false
button-canceltype buttonsChange the type of botton for the cancel.filled
accept-textStringChange the text of the accept button.Accept
cancel-textStringChange the text of the cancel button.Cancel
icon-packStringIcon Pack Class NameIcon Pack to be used. If not set, icon will default to Material Icons. ex. FA4 uses fa or fas, FA5 uses fas, far, or fal.material-icons
autocloseBooleanIf false, the prompt will need to be closed manually in @accept/@cancel/@close. Allow the user to close the prompt after a delay, when he needs to, like after a web request.true