
Tabs are very easy to implement


To implement a tabs, use the vs-tabs component. It must include vs-tab child components that represent each tab.


For the title of each tab the vs-tab property is implemented in the vs-tab component.


You can change the color of the component with the property color, the parameter allows the main colors and HEX or RGB.

You can use hover-line property to display a translucent line, on hover, below the vs-tab.
You can pass an alpha/percent opacity to hover-line, default opacity is 0.3.

The hover-text property is enabled by default, and apply color to the text on hover.
You can pass an alpha/percent opacity to hover-text, opaque by default.

You can provide a boolean to both hover-line / hover-text properties, to enable/disable them.
In that case default opacity will be used.


Only RGB and HEX colors are supported.


The color property defined on vs-tabs is the default value for all tabs, but you can override it by defining it on a vs-tab.

Since vuesax3@4.1.0


Change the alignment of the buttons with the property alignments. The allowed values ​​are:

  • center
  • right
  • fixed






You can change the position of the menu with the property position that as a value you can have: top, right,bottom, left.


You can add a left icon inside each tab with the property icon that has the same values as the icon component.


vs-tabsComponentComponent that contains the children vs-tab.
v-modelbindLink active tab index.
valueNumber, StringIndex of active tab.0
positionStringtop, left, bottom, rightTabs menu position.
colorStringRGB, HEXColor of the tabs component. Can be set on vs-tabs or vs-tab.
hover-textBoolean, Number, Stringalpha or percent opacityApply color property on hover to the text, opaque by defaulttrue
hover-lineBoolean, Number, Stringalpha or percent opacityApply color property on hover to the line below vs-tab, 0.3 opacity by defaultfalse
alignmentStringleft (default), right, center, fixedChange the alignment of the tabs
vs-tabComponentcomponent that wraps everything inside.
labelStringText on the tab button.
iconStringSame as `vs-icon` component.Add a left icon inside the tabs component.
icon-packStringIcon Pack Class NameIcon Pack to be used. If not set, icon will default to Material Icons. ex. FA4 uses fa or fas, FA5 uses fas, far, or fal.material-icons
v-on:click-tagCallbacktabThis function is executed by clicking on the tag.
tagIconmaterial iconsDetermine the icon inside the tag.
tagColorColorsDefault Colors RGB, HEXDetermine the color of the icon inside the tag.
useShowBooleanUse a v-show instead of a v-if on active vs-tab.false