
Upload images easily and with a nice effect


You can upload files to the server with the vs-upload component, the requested parameter is action which is the URL of the server

Upload File


You can upload multiple files by adding the multiple property within the component.

Upload Multiple


You can enable automatic submission with the Automatic property that executes the shipment by changing the value of the input

Upload File


actionStringdetermines the url of the server where the request is made.
textStringChange the text shown in the input.Upload File
limitNumberLimit the number of files that can be added.
headersObjectChange the header of the request to the server.
dataObjectAppends data to the form.
fileNameStringKey name of the files sent.
multipleBooleanDetermines whether multiple files can be selected.false
acceptFile typeschange the types of files allowed.all
disabledBooleandisables the component, making it impossible to add any file.false
on-successFunction(event)callback function when successfully uploading the file.
on-deleteFunction(event)callback function when delete item the file.
on-errorFunction(event)callback function when an error occurs when trying to upload a file.
automaticBooleanIt determines if the shipment is automatic when making a change of value.false
show-upload-buttonBooleanIt determines whether to show the upload button or not.true
single-uploadBooleanThis causes each file to be sent separately on each request. Only used when multiple prop is truefalse